Digital Retailing: Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Dealers know the value of digital retailing and how effectively it can increase visitor to sales ratio’s and make the showroom process more satisfying and profitable. Yet the adoption of digital retailing solutions is still fairly low. In fact, we recently surveyed dealers and found that, though dealers understand its value. Most are still reluctant…

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3 easy ways mobile tech can boost CSI for Dealerships

There are few absolutes when it comes to the business of selling cars — which is a little amazing, right? Most dealerships work hard to define an optimized path to success, one that starts the moment a car buyer sets an appointment or walks into the showroom. Yet even though there’s this clear and organized…

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How automated communications benefit your auto dealership

The ideal car buying experience is relatively streamlined. A potential customer, having already done their research, comes to your lot, picks a car, loves the test drive, and walks away with the car thanks to favorable financing. But every dealership manager knows the reality doesn’t tend to be nearly that straightforward. Potential customers leave without buying…

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